Sunday, August 30, 2009

Serving Suggestions

Welcome back to Sundays with the Chef! If you've ever ordered one of our cakes, you know that when you come into the store to pick it up, you'll first be greeted with a smile and then you'll be told how to serve your cake. We will tell you to keep your cake refrigerated, to take it out 1-2 hours before it will be served to allow it to come to room temperature, and to then refrigerate the leftovers (if there are any!).

Have you ever wondered why we go into so much detail? Well, today we are going to explain it to you!

Our cakes are made with all natural ingredients. They need to be refrigerated because the mousse inside will spoil if you leave it out for too long. On the other hand, the cake itself and the buttercream frosting are made with real butter. When refrigerated, butter is hard. By letting the cake sit out at room temperature to temper, you allow the cake and buttercream to soften, creating a much more pleasing flavor.

So what would happen if I ate one of your cakes cold, you're wondering? The butter in the cake would harden and the cake that we baked fresh for you would then taste stale, when in fact it is not. In addition, you would not get the creamy, light taste of our handmade buttercream frosting. It will instead be very hard.

So, there you have it! Now you know why we explain this every single time you order a cake from us. We do not want your cake to spoil and we want it to taste its absolute best when you serve it to your guests!

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